Note: Orders from 25-29 December will be dispatched on 30 December due to the Christmas holidays.


Official Rules (00:00:00hrs (GMT)on November 17, 2023 - 23:59:59 hrs (GMT) on November 24, 2023) ORDER FOR FREE, CASHBACK DISCOUNT PROMOTION MAIDESITE

Free Order: Customers with order numbers ending in 555 will receive their orders after submitting orders (and successful payments) between 00:00:00hrs (GMT) on November 17, 2023 and 23:59:59 hrs (GMT)on November 24, 2023 free of charge via payment refund. The maximum value of the free order is limited to £700. (If a customer purchases more than £700, the order value over £700 is excluded from the free order refund).

20% Cashback: Customers with order numbers ending in 55 will receive after submitting orders (and successful payments) between 00:00:00hrs (GMT) on November 17, 2023 and 23:59:59hrs (GMT)) on November 24, 2023 a 20% cashback refund on the first £700 of your order. (If a customer purchases products worth more than £700, the cashback refund will only be applied to the first £700).

5% Cashback: Customers with order numbers ending in 5 will receive after submitting orders (and successful payments) between 00:00:00 hrs (GMT) on November 17, 2023 and 23:59:59 hrs (GMT) on November 24, 2023 a 5% cashback refund on the first £700 of your order. (If a customer purchases products worth more than £700, the cashback refund will only be applied to the first £700).

Redeem cashback: All free orders and cashbacks can be obtained by contacting our official email address and sending us the order number and order email address.After November 30th, the cashback will be refunded to the winning customer's original payment channel. The cashback amount depends on the order number.

Additional Terms and Conditions:
1. Limited to one Promotion per Customer: Each Eligible Customer is entitled to only one Promotional Reward throughout the Promotion Period, subject to the terms and conditions set out above. If a customer qualifies to receive multiple promotional rewards, the customer will receive the reward received first.
2. Non-transferable: The promotional rewards are not transferable or assignable.
3. Time of promotion: The promotion is only valid from November 17, 2023, 00:00:00hrs (GMT) to November 24, 2023, 11:59:59 p.m.hrs (GMT) Customers must place their orders after this point in order to participate in the promotion free order or other promotional rewards. All orders that do not result in successful payments or cancel the order in the next 30 days outside of 00:00:00hrs (GMT) on November 17, 2023 until 23:59:59hrs (GMT) on November 24, 2023, will do so and be disqualified.
4. Refunds and Maximum Promotional Rewards: Any order that is refunded will be excluded from the promotion. In addition, the maximum free order amount per eligible promotional recipient is capped at EUR 750, the maximum cashback discount amount of 20% per eligible promotional recipient is capped at EUR 750 and the maximum cashback discount amount is capped at 5% per eligible promotional recipient. Maximum limit: EUR 750.
5. Disqualification for Fraudulent Activities: Customers found to be engaging in fraudulent activities or attempting to manipulate the Promotion through technical means will be disqualified and excluded from all future promotional activities on Maidesite.
6. Disclaimer: Maidesite is not responsible for any problems caused in whole or in part by technical problems, including but not limited to, relating to Internet services, servers, hardware, software or websites, and also including but not limited to lost , delayed or corrupted data transmitted or attempted to be transmitted by participants.
7. Maidesite is entitled to exclude participants who are suspected of violating these terms and conditions from participating in the discount campaign.
8. Release, Indemnification and Hold Harmless: Each free order, cashback rebate and free gift recipient releases, indemnifies and holds harmless Maidesite and all associated persons and entities, including Maidesite's agents and independent contractors, from all liability harmless. Any claim or action of any kind arising in connection with participation in the Promotion and receipt, possession, use or misuse of your Promotional Reward.
9. Change: To the extent permitted by law, Maidesite reserves the right to refine the Promotion Rules. Maidesite will endeavor to resolve disputes through negotiations but retains final interpretive authority.
10.The availability and functionality of the discount campaign cannot be guaranteed. It can be terminated or removed due to external circumstances or constraints